For those who need mithril, here's the description from the Hub:

Crafted: magic forge
Found: Mithril Dragon, deep mine, dark cave formation, Sir Pigglesworth, Jeweler Trade (rare), Armored Alicorn, Armored Manticore
Uses: goals: Secrets of mithril, Forging Excalibam, The Magic Scissors
Goal: Cracking the Case (creating the whisperweight net)
Goal: Cave Rich In Culture (upgrading Faerie Respite to level 3)
Goal: Enchanted Minerals (crafting enchanted mithril for the Glimmergate Key)
Requirements: 50 silver after receiving 4th knowledge shard
Collection time: 2 days (forge)
Current thread:

For you lower level players, it's something that'll unlock further along the line. If you haven't unlocked it yet, your best bets will probably be chopping dark cave formations and the jeweler trade.