1. Le Tour De Glimmerwood
Ruler: Hey there, Adamir! What's up?
Adamir: Oh, ah... I... I just wanted to thank you again for helping me with the Outpost. Nadina and I truly appreciate the kindness you have shown us.
Ruler: Our pleasure! We strive to help those in need as much as possible around here.
Adamir: It's refreshing to hear that, Kind Ruler.
Ruler: ...Hm? What do you mean?
I missed a screen here... can someone remember to record it for me please! SW
Adamir: Ah! Erm... I-It's nothing, don't mind me! I would love to learn more about your people. Might I bother you for a tour?
Ruler: Oh, sure thing. Right this way!
2. An Expert Opinion
Ruler: Uh-oh! Cloudsparrow, coming in hot!
Adamir: Huh? Nadina? I wonder what's--
Nadina: *screech, screeeeech!*
Adamir: Ah! C-Calm yourself, please! What's wrong?
Nadina: *gestures frantically toward the sky*
Adamir: Oh, dear...
Ruler: What? What is it, Adamir?
Adamir: Erm, well... You recall the storm I mentioned earlier?
Ruler: yeah, sort of. The one that forced you guys to land here?
Adamir: Yes. I had thought the storm had passed, but it seems to have returned!
Ruler: Oh... Well, it should calm back down again, right?
Nadina: *screeeeeeeech!!!*
Ruler: Uh... I guess not... ?
Adamir: This storm is like nothing we've seen before. It possesses very odd qualities...Nadina here suspects it may be magical in nature.
Ruler: I see. We'd better consult an expert, then!
Adamir: Oh! Miss Ivy, perhaps?
Ruler: ... I take it you've never seen Ivy when she's brewing potions?
Adamir: Er... No...
3. Peony Predictions
Greselda: What is it? Can't you see I'm busy dealing with my plants?
Ruler: Sorry, Lady Greselda. This is something of an emergency.
Greselda: When is it not? ... Who is this?
Adamir: Ah! H-Hello, Ma'am! My name is Adamir. I'm an Elf from--
Greselda: What do you want?
Adamir: Er, right! Sorry! My Cloudsparrow and I are a good bit worried. You see, there's--
Greselda: Wait, did you say "Cloudsparrow"?
Adamir: Ah... Yes... ?
Greselda: Intriguing... Continue.
Adamir: Um! Yes! Right. So we're a bit perplexed by a storm brewing--
Greselda: Yes, I noticed. Quite the nice change of weather, isn't it?
Adamir: Er... Well... That storm... It has my Cloudsparrow and I troubled. It appeared out of nowhere!
Greselda: Storm do that fro time to time, you know.
Adamir: yes, but this one seems... abnormal. We suspect it may be...
Greselda: ...Magical?
Adamir: Y-Yes... ?
Greselda: ...
Ruler / Adamir ... ?
Greselda: *rushes off* My peonies... !
4. Communing with Clouds
Ruler: ...Lady Greselda? Is everything okay?
Greselda: No, it isn't. Do you see these flowers?
Ruler: yeah. What about them?
Greselda: These are Nimbus Peonies, a rare plant which leans towards saturated clouds.
Ruler: Oh! Kind of like how sunflowers lean towards the sun?
Greselda: Indeed. Anyhow, they've been behaving oddly as of late. I had presumed it was simply because of how many storm clouds are about. However, if that storm truly is magical in nature...
Adamir: Oh! The magical clouds could be what's confusing the peonies?
Greselda: ...Yes ...Remind me, why are you here in our kingdom?
Adamir: Ah... W-Well, I'm an Outpost Messenger, from one of the Elven cloud cities.
Greselda: Never heard of it. In any case, I'd say this supports your suspicions about that storm. As flattered as I am by your acknowledgement of my expertise, Young Ruler I'm afraid I will need an assistant to properly decipher this peculiarity.
Adamir: Like Miss Ivy?
Greselda: Yes. She still has much to learn, but...this should be an excellent opportunity to teach her more of the craft...
5. No Ordinary Reliquary
Ivy: Hiya, Lady Greselda! I hear you could use a hand with something?
Greselda: I could. Have the Young Ruler and Adamir filled you in?
Ivy: Nope, not yet. They just said it had something to do with that storm?
Greselda: Yes. In short, we suspect it may be magical in nature. We need to determine if this is truly the case, and if so what is causing it.
Ivy: got it. Hmm... This is tricky...
Greselda: Indeed. Without an certainty of its nature, we can't create a counter-hex.
Ivy: Which means we can't charm something to point us in the right direction, either.
Greselda: What we need is some sort of generic detection mechanism...
Adamir: ...Like a compass, perhaps?
Greselda: Yes, that-- ...You are still here?
Adamir: S-Sorry, I... I just find all of this terribly fascinating, and... Well, I'd like to help, if I can!
Ivy: Don't worry, Lady Greselda. I can vouch for him! He may be a bit odd and quiet and awkward--
Adamir: ...
Ivy: --but he's really nice, and knows a lot about Elf stuff!
Greselda: I would hope so. He *is* an Elf. In any case, yes. What we need is some kind of... magic compass. Something we can calibrate to point to particular types of magic.
Ivy: Yeah! That would tell us not only *if* that cloud is magical but also where it's coming from!
Adamir: I believe I can create something that will help in this regards! Elvenite is particularly sensitive to magic. It's the key ingredient in our magic-infused crafting techniques!
Greselda: Your point, if you please?
Adamir: Ah, y-yes, of course! With the proper equipment, I can create an Elvenite Node. The node will point towards the strongest sources of magic! Kind of like you peonies, eh heh...
Greselda: ...The "proper equipment," you say?
Adamir: Erm, yes... We would need to construct an Elven Reliquary. You can buy the blueprints for one with Runes.
Greselda: Those things the Young Ruler gets from your "Outpost", you mean?
Adamir: Y-Yes... Is... that a problem... ?
Greselda: You will have to ask the Young Ruler. I find it interesting, is all.
6. With Our Magics Combined
7. Storm Chasers
Ivy: Ooo, look! It's working!
Greselda: Excellent! It seems to be directing us into the Glimmerwood....
Ivy: Wait... doesn't that mean it could just be pointing to other local magics?
Greselda: It's possible, yes. However, that will determine the validity of our theory. If the node does not lead us to the source of the storm then the storm is not born of magic.
Ivy: Ahh, I see! ... But, what then? We'll be out of leads!
Greselda: Knowing what to *ignore* can be just as useful as knowing what check.
Ivy: That's true. Alright, Adamir! You ready to venture back into the Glimmerwood?
Adamir: Ah! yes, I am! But, should we not bring the Ruler with us?
Greselda: For once, I actually agree with you...
8. A Turbulent Totem
Ivy: Lady Greselda, are we lost? I don't see anything...
Greselda: Nor I, Miss Ivy. It seems we may be wrong about this storm after all...
Ruler: Wait, there! What's that, lodged in the ground?
Ivy: Huh? That's just a rock, isn't it?
Adamir: Oh, no! That's no rock, Miss Ivy...Look here, upon its side.
Ivy: That writing! It matches the text from the Outpost!
Adamir: Yes! It appears to be an ancient, Elven relic!
Greselda: An *Elven* relic hm? And just what, my dear Adamir, would an ELVEN relic be doing in the Glimmerwood?
Adamir: I... I d-don't know! I had nothing to do with this-- honest!
Greselda: Well, conveniently enough for *you*, it matters not if you're telling the truth. Either way, you're the most likely to know how to resolve this, aren't you?
Adamir: Y-Yes, I... I suppose... But even I am limited in this regard, Lady Greselda! I wish it were not so, but my knowledge of ancient relics is quite limited.
Ruler: What about Old Thomas? He might have something in his archives we can reference.
Greselda: It is worth a look, at least. I propose we consult Old Thomas's records. In the meantime...
Adamir: Erm... I should brave the storm, and ask around the cloud city... ?
Greselda: Yes. Scurry on home, Little Elf, and gather all the information you can find. We must be thorough when it comes to magic totems such as this. Especially one powerful enough to create storms *that* severe!