Old Thomas: A new area of land has been discovered!
Goal 1:
Ruler: Brr, the winds are getting cold!
Ivy: Tell me about it! I can feel like my leaves will fall right off!
Ruler: ... What?
Ivy: Phantom itch from my tree days... Point being, I agree that it's really freaking cold!
Ruler: It's not supposed to be *this* cold, right? Something must be amiss.
Ivy: That tends to be the case around here. Let's keep an eye out for something unusual.
Ruler: Agreed. Usually, some stranger announces themselves at this point. ...
Ivy: ...
Valkyrie Queen: AH HA HA HA! I am the Valkyrie Queen! And I bring with me Fimbulwinter! Ass shall freeze in my wake!
Ivy: Yep...
Ruler: And there it is. Let's follow through with this one and see where she is going. I suspect this won't end until we deal with this Valkyrie Queen lady.
Old Thomas: There are strange snowflakes falling behind her.
Ruler: We should look into that, too!
Goal 2:
Ruler: It's really getting cold now.
Old Thomas: The Valkyrie Queen claims that she is bringing Fimbulwinter with her. If true, then she carries with her the end of days.
Ivy: We should keep an eye out for her then.
Ruler: Agreed! We should check out a Watchtower. It'll be difficult for anyone flying on a pegasus to hide in the air. Even with all of this snow.
Ivy: Yeah, spotting her might give some clues.
Old Thomas: And some information will bring us closer to solving this conundrum.
Ruler: To the Watchtower then!
Old Thomas: It is said that one can see multiple realms of existence in magical snow such as this... Perhaps we are seeing our own realm collide with others.
Goal 3:
Thorfinn: Ho there, travelers!
Ruler: Who goes there?
Thorfinn: I am a humble adventurer! I have come chasing the Fimbulwinter! You may call me Thorfinn!
Ruler: Hello, Thorfinn! I am the ruler of these parts. And am currently at risk of frostbite from all of this cold.
Thorfinn: Yes, the Valkyrie Queen's madness has brought on the cold to end all summers. That is why I am here. We must stop her... or save her before it is too late.
Ruler: Did you say save her?
Thorfinn: Yes! She is in great conflict with herself. But let us not linger in this cold! We must keep moving if we are to survive the snow!
Ruler: Should we find shelter?
Thorfinn: No! We shall go on an adventure! Nothing keeps the blood quite a shot as that! And we shall find ways to harness this cold! Some Frost Runes and Frost Hammers might do the trick!
Ruler: Ok! I'll trust you. Now lead the way!
Goal 4:
Thorfinn: This adventure will be worthy of the sagas!
Ruler: The sagas?
Thorfinn: Yes! The stories of heroes and villains alike! Great deeds told through story and song.
Ruler: And you think what we're doing will be worthy of that? Of songs and sagas?
Thorfinn: Perhaps! We tread behind the mad queen of the valkyries! Whatever we do will be worthy of an epic!
Ruler: So what's her deal, anyway?
Thorfinn: I wish I could say! She is lost and has lost something of hers. Though I feel as though she is not yet... lost herself. Or at least her cause. She is a noble queen, I still believe. But has been clouded or misguided somehow.
Ruler: Then we should do something to help her.
Thorfinn: Indeed! Now first we should find some Epic Sagas to inspire us.
Ruler: Where would we find those? A library?
Thorfinn: Nay! A commoner's tale is more full of truth than a hall of records. Let us seek the wisdom of farmers! They tell the best stories!
Goal 5:
Ruler: *Ughhhhhh* What is that?
Thurston: My liege! We have been beset by zombies!
Ruler: Zombies? At this time of year? Localized in this blizzard?
Thorfinn: Draugr! It is the only answer!
Ruler: Draugr?
Thorfinn: Yes! Restless spirits of the dead. Warriors long gone have risen from their slumber. And now walk the earth to herald in Ragnarok!
Ruler: Ragnarok?
Thorfinn: The end of days. The Valkyrie Queen's trail of misfortune will lead to the destruction of all you see.
Thurston: But I love all that I see!
Thorfinn: As do I, fellow warrior!
Ruler: Then what must we do?
Thorfinn: Eventually we must battle the Draugr. But for now, let us find Runic Tablets. They love the ancient sagas, especially those told on a Skald's lute! We shall tell them their favourite stories, according to the old ways!
Goal 6:
Valkyrie Queen: Ride with me, Valkyries! And soar through the skies! We shall bring the end to all girls and guys!
Ruler: Is she rhyming?
Ivy: Is that really our biggest concern right now?
Thorfinn: She does like to try from time to time.
Ruler: But why is she trying to bring about Ragnarok?
Thorfinn: The Valkyries are a sacred sisterhood. They safeguard humanity. But they also herald its end. I think she may be in great pain right now. And she might be conflicted about her duty.
Ruler: But what could bring her so much pain that she's rhyming the end of the world?
Ivy: yeah, this is a pretty strong reaction to a little personal issue. Don't you think?
Thorfinn: It is not what I think that matters. But we must continue on our path to stop her before she hurts anyone... or herself.
Goal 7:
Thorfinn: Venture forth! We must travel into unknown lands and seek out the heart of winter!
Ruler: Slow down there, buddy!
Thorfinn: We mustn't stop in this snow! The cold winds will put a halt to our progress.
Ivy: Tell us, Thorfinn... How is it that you know the Valkyrie Queen?
Ruler: Yeah, we should probably know a little more about her.
Thorfinn: Well, she is the queen of the Valkyries. I am sure your subjects have heard of her, Ruler. And she is quite famous in the northern realms. But I believe she has lost something. A crown. One of great power.
Ruler: And you think she's taking it out on the world?
Thorfinn: I think it may have been all that was keeping her here...
Goal 8:
Thurston: My liege, I have found something.
Ruler: Wow! That is very pretty! These flowers are unlike anything I've ever seen before!
Ivy: They glow with such radiance!
Thorfinn: Yes! That is a Vanaheim Rosebush! It is a divine flower that has beg-un to spread into your realm.
Ruler: My realm?
Thorfinn: What many might call Midgard. This is a very special flower. And it has rare qualities. I suggest we harvest what we can. We could use its strength!
Goal 9:
Ruler: We have the roses! Are these Vanaheim Roses?
Thorfinn: They are indeed! And they hold the power of northern deities! We can use this to aid us in our cause!
Ruler: And what exactly does that look like?
Thorfinn: Compasses! We can travel realms using a great mystical bridge known as the Bifrost! And in order to do so, we will need Realm Compasses! So we may navigate the realms.
Ruler: So how do these realms work? We have many realms, though they appear to be stacked atop each other in a way mortals cannot see. It takes specialized s****s and tools in order to travel among them.
Ivy: Is that how the Valkyrie Queen got here?
Thorfinn: Sort of...
Ruler: Sort of?
Thorfinn: By calling Fimulwinter, she has sundered holes in all realms. She effectively has bypasses the Bifrost.
Ruler: Well, that's no good.
Thorfinn: It certainly gives her a leg up on us.
Goal 10:
Angry Draugr: Gooooo... backkkkk.....
Ruler: Angry Draugr!
Thurston: Stay back yourself!
Ruler: These things aren't letting up.
Thorfinn: We must stand firm. If we are to avoid Ragnarok, we cannot let them roam your realm.
Ruler: And what after that? We will need to do something about the Valkyrie Queen sooner than later.
Thorfinn: And we cannot handle here amid hoards of Draugr!
Thurston: A prudent point! Let us clear out the rabble first. Then we shall tackle the leader.
Ruler: To battle then!
Goal 11:
Old Thomas: Young ruler, we must talk.
Ruler: Thomas! It's great to see you! I hope this cold isn't too much for you!
Old Thomas: I have brought layers. Thank you for thinking of me. But this is news regarding your new companion, Thorfinn...
Ruler: What about him?
Old Thomas: Well, he...
Thorfinn: She is here! Spread out!
Valkyrie Queen: Oh, I knew I would find you here, Thorfinn.
Ruler: it's the Valkyrie Queen!
Valkyrie Queen: Please, call me Frigg! And yes, I am queen of the valkyries! And I bring with me Fimbulwinter!
Thorfinn: You'll bring Ragnarok upon us all!
Ruler: Yeah! I'm not ready for a frozen grave just yet!
Frigg: Oh oh oh! Do you think *I* have brought on Fimbulwinter? Alas, no it wasn't me. We have you to thank for that, little brother!
Ruler: Little... brother? But who is...
Old Thomas: That is why I came here. Thorfinn is a divine entity himself. He is the brother of Frigg, the Valkyrie Queen!
Ruler: He is?
Frigg: Of course, he is! And he took my crown from me!
Thorfinn: Please, I can explain!