I'm going through the images right now and now it's all released, I have a some opinoins to share:
- Love that there are so many box items listed out of the box
- Love that there
are coin items, even if none are floor decos
- Expansion sale is always nice
Unfortunately, that's it for my positive outlook; the rest of my thoughts/feelings are negative....
- Biggest issue = WHY are we getting regular appliances listed as Echos for 50g???
- I'm sorry but this is unacceptable and should not be endorsed by any of us
- These appliances should've been relisted for COINS
- They were originally released as appliances open to ALL players for coins
- They were NOT locked by goal for purchase at any point
- If you're going to list a non-goal appliance for gems then you should at least offer 5 day goal recipes on it!!!!
- Seriously, this is upsetting and feels like a sleazy move to try and trick players out of their gems
- I'm genuinely upset that anyone may not have known and wasted 50g (aka $10 USD!) on what was originally a coin item
- Was this a mistake? Does no one check that the appliances they're labeling/pricing as 'echo' are actually goal appliances?
- This isn't the first time we've been fed standard coin appliances as echos and it really, really needs to stop!
- No new Echos
- Other than the new-to-BS-Echo (and the mislabeled echos) ALL echos have been listed previously
- If we only get repeated Echos, I would think they should at least be reduced in price!
- Most have been listed MULTIPLE times as well which is extra irritating!
- I wish more items from RECENT boxes were listed
- Most of the items offered have been relisted dozens of times
- Yes, newer players are always joining the game and will appreciate the items
- But, I think it would make more sense to have a 70/30 split of newer box items to older ones for big sales like this
- We literally get two new boxes each month (average of 16 items/month, 192 items/year)
- At first glance, I see 8 items from 2023 boxes on offer which is basically nothing
- And I see zero items from 2024 boxes
- It would've been nice to see more mystery boxes at a discount
- Again, keep in mine we get 2 new boxes per month
- There are so many Autumn/Winter boxes that could've been listed
- 4 boxes is more what I'd expect from a standard weekly sale, not Black Friday
- The discounted boxes really should've been cheaper
- Again, boxes at half price isn't anything to make note of
- What happened to having them for 6g in big sales?
- If they were cheaper I would've definitely tried my luck to get the few items I'm still missing but at 12g I'm not even tempted
- No new U-Items?
- Every single U-item listed in BOTH parts of the "sale" have been listed previously
- Again, there are SO MANY items that could've been listed instead
- In about one month, there were 40+ posts of items players wanted to see in the sale
- Why ignore those requests just to give us repeats?
- And, like the echos, most of these decos have been listed MULTIPLE times in past sales
- Do the team not check for repeats or do they just not care?
- Either way, it's a bad look, to be honest
- No 40% off gems
- This used to be the standard for the big sales such as Black Friday, Christmas, etc.
- Now we're lucky to see a gem sale at all and the highest is 30%
- Not a great incentive to splash out on gems, at least not for me!
- And my second biggest gripe: There's very little sale items, mostly relistings
- The coin items are listed for the exact price they were originally released at
- Box items are listed on the higher end of what we've seen in past sales
- Echos that have been previously released aren't discounted at 13g like we've previously seen
- Seriously, why so little 'sales' in the biggest sale of the year?
I was
so looking forward to this sale
(especially after seeing echos listed for COINS earlier this year) but after seeing the full scope of it, I'm just baffled by it. If the team has been paying any attention at all to the forum this past year, they'd know everyone is struggling with the current in-game economy. From newer players to those of us who have been around for ages, we are all struggle to keep our coin banks where we want them.
Goals leave us in a deficit, every new recipe only yields 4 coins per serving, all new items have a high coin cost relative to the item
(floor tiles to 9k, wall decos at 22k, etc). So, if they really wanted us to splurge and buy a lot of items I would've expected said items to actually be on sale.... no?
I don't mind when the weekly sales give us relistings instead of sale prices because I think those are more geared toward offering players items they missed the first time around. Would a discount be appreciated in the weekly sales? Sure. But, full prices make sense in that context. I think most are okay with paying full price if it means getting access to the missed items. At least, that's how I look at it.
But this is different. Black Friday is meant to be the biggest/best sale people see all year regardless of the venue; whether its a big store or an online platform, people save for and look forward to Black Friday Sales.
I'm sorry, Storm8, I try very hard to be optimistic and stay positive about things but this is too much to ignore. I hope, for the sake of all players, the team will take some of my points into consideration when planning future sales.