The Gold Rider
Released September 2024
8 goals
Makeda: Its golden pages hold a story for the ages.
Goal 1:
* Trade for a Gold Rider Tale 0/1 GO | Makeda's Wagon, 5 minutes - 100 seeker's coin...
zoom right in cause I guess it's stuck right on the border of unopened land. You should be able to find the place right where the open and unopen land touches. If you cannot find the spot, please log...
I'm away a couple of days so only have quick reading time to check in on the forum. I don't have capacity to do any forum follow up's till I'm back home and have time. :) thanks for understanding
I sent you a private message 3 days ago. Please review and reply back in messages. And again, it is not appropriate to be posting on the forum about this.
lol. I figured given we are in birthday mode and the dragons being those lovely colours I'd spice it up a little. :love_heart:
Happy 12th birthday to us all!! Fun fact... The first thread made in...
They are super cute aren't they. :)
There are generally never guaranteed drops in events. I've found some of the Pink cake dragons drop multiple Cake Dragon Eggs during battle and others none.
Sorry this happened to you! :( Support will help you restore this item if you won the prize. Make sure to include info on whether the counter for the 0/4 main prize was impacted so that it can also...
Only Support will be able to help with this issue. Reach out to them and they'll restore those items for you. Support Link:
Inventory Information
Cake Dragon Den (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
This item was released in the House of the Cake Dragons event
Info: An abandoned den. There is a hollow whistling...
Goal Information
Goal - House of the Cake Dragons 1:
* Tend Cows (We're gonna need some Milk!) x1
Rewards: 10 coin, 2 xp
Goal - House of the Cake Dragons 2:
* Place the Cake Dragon Den (Buy...
! Click on any of the links below for more information !
1. Game Guide Links: | Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | Update Guide...
Hi all, I've added a new note to Part 2 which says:
* The crafts for the Cloud Walking Boots and Golden Armor are removed from the Forge once you complete Goal 8. They will return when needed in...
Oh no. Of course it is. I did think that when it was posted, but maybe there was something I was missing. did the picture change on the goal? Let me go back to the team. What other building might it...
Update to the Dainty Castle issue:
This should be fixed now. Instead of the Dainty Castle, it should be the Desert Rock Castle from the Mystical Desert storyline.
If someone can confirm that...
Hi all, I've created a bugs thread for the issue on the Jinn not spawning from bushes for comment and help. Please refrain from further discussion on this in this thread as it is off topic. Thanks...
Hi all, can you please report on which part of the storyline you're on where the Jinn are not now spawning. S8 have checked again after I reported this and have asked for more information.
New thread for September is open here:
Shibuya, would you mind copying the pictures of the re-released items over...