I only saw that odd one out today I said to myself, "What???!!! nmishii would never do that." Lol. It's good to have those extra slots sometimes especially when you're running out of food constantly like me!
Oh dear. So that 19th stove. Was that a slip or done intentionally ?
Message for Rouge Now how does someone "*****" to get posts? That just doesn't make sense. You're still just trying to get under my skin as you have been for a long time. Keep it up; I love responding. You're good at trying to get to people. No wait, you're not good at it. It didn't work for you last year. When you have at least 4 accounts, and can't use at least 2 of them anymore, posts are distributed among those accounts so the post count is low even though the person posts alot. That is not my case; I only have one account. I can be me without worries of someone finding out I am someone else. Also, deleted posts don't count and I don't have as many of those as some people.
Alien? What are you talking about? I guess you didn't get my joke, I didn't expect you to. By the way I know what your trying to do with your little antics, Not Working. Oh and Congratulations on your "Grand Emperor!" Title. I think you kind of *****ed.
Message to RougeDeluxe Oh yeah, you've been saying you were an alien for a while. In that case, I guess you're not a he or she, but an it.
Wait who said I was a guy? Don't confuse yourself.
Message to RougeDeLuxe because I am blocked from sending her a visitor message. No, the statement is correct. I find it funny that you think you are fooling people of your true identity by pretending to be a guy. If you are really a he, then you fooled people in your other identities.
About your post in a game. About me being a girl. I found that funny you think you know everything. Do you mind editing it because I'm not.
No, well I did but not anymore.
Oh Ok thankyou.
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