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3 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hello, thank you for responding.
    I had to buy most of the buckets and it is difficult to have enough coins playing that way.
    I have 3 farms but can only use 2 at a time because storm 8 will not download on my Android phone for some reason.
    I can show you how we can have enough of these parts by buying and selling within our farms. It is easy and I can explain it later. When you see shops with 10 each of high ticket items, this is how they make them.
  2. View Conversation
    I am struggling to finish the Coyote event as well. Lots of time and money hunting for people who sell the buckets.
    If you would like to add me as a neighbor, perhaps we can team up to get parts for the next event like this?
    I have another farm and there is a way to craft these parts and get enough- I can tell you how.
    Storm ID- PuntaMita
    Best regards,
    Abeline Farm
  3. View Conversation
    Please read your pm box. I've sent 3 pms replying to your post several days ago and 1 today.
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