lol!! Protein is a very important Giselle! That's a really pretty spot :love-struck:
I feel like I should be photo-bombing some of these pictures - let's try the next one with my faerie in the mix...
Please log a ticket with support. When you get into your game go to the FAQ section and reset your password to something stronger.
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It's based on what expansions you've completed. If you do not have any plots of land left that require the explorer permits then the craft disappears. Same for expansion permits. This is why there is...
Yes, this will happen as you've reached the Royal Building cap. You'll need to sell some other royal building... I'd probably suggest another normal Spire or Watchtower till it let's you buy the...
Yes, it is supposed to be decoration only. I'll report the timer and come back with an answer
Valentine Teddy | limited time purchase
Found: market 10 gems
Uses/Drops: 1x1 decoration
You have to make your own love wood and stone. They don't drop from anywhere.
With master botanist, you have to do the valentine botanist craft a million times (ok slight exaggeration). That...
Here is the info on the gift with gems on offer this week:
Info: He's a hunk! Visit for a chance at Earth Wisps, Living Wood, Glimmerdust, Petals, and more!
Found: gift with gems...
That awesome! I love a good process map / flow chart! (I create these in my job)
I have a note in my goals post that in order for the adventure to unlock, there has to be another set of goals...
Better, is that I wrote that in my Notes section for players! :) yes, there is absolutely a lot going on for this release.
* You do not need to purchase the gem animals to get the resources. You...
hi all, the information for the Tale of Thurbina is now complete in the Master HUB thread. Thurbina's drops were a pleasant surprise, and here's the complete list:
Baby Thurbina
Info: This baby...
bahahaha!!! Now *that* is the song of all songs! (sorry, not sorry to all... we are all allowed to be a little indulgent every now and then!)
I'm so excited that more players have access to the...
Thanks for the s/s. Yes I think you're right about completing the goal Unwelcome Guest. I've tried so hard to make sure I'm grouping them together correctly! This is not exactly the same as the...
Thanks! I am very grateful!
And a very huge thank you to my amazing friend BiggerBubbles for sharing the dialogue info with me (offline). I've reordered (again!) some of the goals and added...
There was dialogue and a goal called Whose Challenge is it Anyway. It has 22 days on the picture of a cabbage in the goal book. Maybe open the tent and close it? If you got a prize from the tent and...
Oh wowsers! I forgot how enormous this storyline is! I've added a bunch more goals to page 1. If there are any notes players can provide, especially around what goal triggers what goal (although I...