Keep working with Support till resolved. Please be mindful that posting any comments from Support is not allowed on the forum. Happy if you send me or one of the other moderators a PM with resolution...
yes same. I think that's pretty normal though. I'm doing 1 of the 6 hour crafts a week. I love when storylines are not time sensitive and you can just plod along on them and this storyline is...
Yeah, I did another re-organising of the goals this morning and split them into separate posts. I had to add more info from BiggerBubbles and the info being in only 1 post was just getting too big...
The best way that's worked for me is to make sure before you log in that Remember Me is ticked. It's a known issue though for the whole forum. They're still working on it
No game item drops explorer permits. Shibuya's is saying that expansion permits can drop from items in game as opposed to crafting them. That won't help you with explorer permits though or windchaser...
Do make sure you are aware of what specific adventures drop the sacred wing and sacred horn. It's linked on page 1 for players (to the specific post of the LS adventure as well) and just above (thank...
I finally got to another 6 hour craft but I couldn't provide any news to the team cause mine only dropped 1 egg. But I will let them know that it's definitely still an issue and forward your post.
I've done another slight reshuffle to get the goals in better order, added section breaks and numbered them and added more instructions and help in purple text as well as more overall info at the top...
What isn't in the L/Shack? If you look at page 1 I have all the crafts listed. They're all there from the beginning as well, and a couple are just one off crafts which disappear once the craft is...
Yes, I've already addressed this. For those players already at the Royal Building cap, then you have to sell some buildings to buy the Spire of Love. I'd go for other watchtowers and spires as they...
Goal Information
Goal - The Tower Reversed 1:
* Find the Tarot Tower (Buy this in the Market!) x1
* Gather a Magic Deck (Clear a Tarot Spread!) x1
* Gather a Sword Heart (Visit the Tarot...