Building Spell of Wands Spell of Cups Craft 3 | Magic Deck Tarot Coin Moon Flower II Moon Wand Sun Chalice Sun Sword Drop of Sun Stolen Soul | Energy Day Upgrade Day
I only know what is here:
Didn't even know...
You get
Dispel The Love MagicStorable:NoType:AdventureSource:StorylineCrafted In:King's Keep, Queen's Court, BarracksRequirements: 1 Valentine Feast, 3 Absorption Crystal, 7500 CoinsDrops:Entwined...
Love Lamb - (Card)Storable:YesInfo:A puffy pink sheep. Always gives Red Ribbons. Medium chance for Prime Cuts.Type:DecorationSource:CraftingClass:AnimalsCrafted In:Love ShackSize:1x1Requirements: 65...
FabiusStorable:YesInfo:?Type:DecorationSource:EventClass:AnimalsSize:1x1Sell:Item cannot be sold!Drops:Coins (123), Blue Petal, Red Petal, Wood, Living Wood, Earth Wisp, GlimmerdustCollection:240...
I did the event 12 years ago, no notes of it :(
In 12 years I crafted 70 Alicorns, 71th is in the making. That is around 6 per year. Or 1 every second month. All from adventure items, no gems.
Amophiotaurus - (Card)Storable:YesInfo:Don't mess with this Bull-Snake or you'll get the hons. Visit for Jewels, Light Amror, and more!Type:DecorationSource:CraftingClass:AnimalsCrafted In:Mythic...