Conversation Between Wilbursworld and Phthon

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I sent on to you too. Let me know if you get it.
  2. Hey it's me again. I got your email in trade and set up an iCloud account a couple days ago. I sent you a mail but Minot sure if you got them. When I try to send from my contacts it says you dont exist! I can visit from the address on trade but I'm not sure your getting the messages. I can't explain it better but I'll leave you the one I set up and maybe you can send me one. I'll go and I'm sorry to hear your sick too. Its not fun. Luv ya take care and see you at the funny farm!
  3. No, not going to be a moderator. I don't really have time. I've been really sick and the sinus meds have made it hard to focus on work.
  4. ALmost forgot to ask are you going to be one of the monitors er mediaters here? If so awesome and have fun you'll be great at it!
  5. ❤About choked to pieces when I saw the Abbott post on the forums! Been trying to log in all day on and off and it finally let me. I see you've been on a lot here lately. I don't post much but I read it most days. Just wanted to say hi so hi!❤
  6. Hi! I sent you a reply in trade. ������
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6