Conversation Between colagummi and Rachael98

9 Visitor Messages

  1. No Thanksgiving over here, but thank you.
  2. thought i wouldwishu an early happy holiday with THanksgiving coming up
  3. I'm used to hard places; I'm British.
  4. with upgrades it can be a rock and a hard place...i was having issues b/c i had old version. now of course those issues are better but now I have a few new issues. Maybe we need Ver. 6 & soon! ����
  5. It appears to me to be an iOS 5 issue. For that reason, I didn't upgrade.
  6. fyi...i. am having troubling buying gems. r u? still farm is one of my fav. have to think of it as saving my gold coins.
  7. Thank you, I am.
  8. hope u r having great week
  9. Awww...thank you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9