Conversation Between lollipop_rp and funnyhamsters

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. now ponyroar is on
  2. Ok. Byeee great conversations.
  3. I just realized pony roars offline!!!
    Now, I won't be on till tomorrow!
  4. Here in ny, it's pretty cold during the nights. You wouldn't believe it but I a wearing a full sleeve shirt, fat furry socks, and a hat for fun, with a sweater
  5. Lol really
  6. Well, it matches your title!
    Funny pictures=hilarious photos!
  7. Oh lol. Is it good im adding pics right. Now
  8. When you messages me, I was already looking at it! Lol
  9. Lol check out my album of funny pics sometime
  10. Omg, you've gone crazy with these profile picture
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
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