Conversation Between Dreamer691 and thatgirl444

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. its not already submitted mine so i cant use it anyways...but if you can think of one then awesome!
  2. Haha that's funny! But I'm not gonna steal your limerick. I'll try to think of something tomorrow after work
  3. Here...there is one for you....just thought of it...feel free to use it if its not too silly for

    There was a girl who needed a skirt
    She had a date and wanted to flirt
    She came to Dreamer's
    It was full of streamers
    Instead, she came out with a polo shirt
  4. you can do wrote mine in 10 minutes while at can do something about fashion love fashion story
  5. Haha oh well close enough. Nah I'm not that creative and it ends in a few days anyway. Maybe another time I'll try for something
  6. HAHA...Thanks babe...I wrote it and then realized its called a duck fountain, not pond.....the duck pond is in farm story....that's what happens when you play too many stories....Honestly I tried for that fountain probably around 100 you writing one too?? you should..I want to read yours
  7. Haha I just read your limerick! I love it too funny
  8. Haha thanks sweetie! Technically they're what we call 'budgie smugglers' lol!
  9. won the snowman......hahahaha..i love his undies....lmao....CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  10. Hello! You're my first friend on here too
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