Conversation Between lola1190 and AnnasCoffee

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Anna,

    I only just got this message now as I'm new to the forum and struggling to figure out how it works just yet!
    If you still want to post the picture that'd be ok as I'd love to keep the Realistic Bakery thread going! :-)
  2. If you want... I can take a picture of your bakery for you and post it in the realistic bakery thread. I would have to send you a neighbor request in the game so I can visit you. You could then delete me... I'm a non-tipping neighbor. I would only do this with your permission. Let me know if you want me to do it. I would be more than happy to. We need more pictures of realistic bakeries to show Team Lava what style of bakery we are going for.
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