Conversation Between puggielover and partygirl1o1

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. What up dawg!? 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
  2. Omg! Dude look at my bakery!
  3. Not that I know of, unless u want a tiny design like mine was, then it's easy. There's no easy way out 
  4. Is there any other way? That one is kinda confusing.
  5. U do this: Save ur published Polyvore design on ur computer in a file u won't forget. Then, go to and upload it as an image and find ur photo in ur files. Then, after u upload it, highlight/copy the URL for message board/forum use. Then, just post the URL on the forum. That's it! 
  6. U take the pic of ur store then email it to urself, and then develop it at and put it in ur album. If this is vague in any way, ping me.
  7. Ok thx!
  8. Do u know how to do the rest? If not, I think there's a thread on how to do it.
  9. I made it.
  10. Have u made ur outfit yet or r u still doing that?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
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