Conversation Between puggielover and 143Blue

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Our wifi was down and plus I'm taking a break from that.
  2. hey! havent seen u on FS for a while do u still play or r u busy?
  3. oh no rhap pls post on my wall i wont be playing since my fs isnt wrking just read my new thread for deets thnxs
  4. yay!!! lol it is awsome:P
  5. No, but look at the contest thingy I got it full-size!!! 
  6. hmmm do u no gossip girl?
  7. Do u know any FS people on here that I would know? 
  8. I know, once I get to my laptop I'll work on it. I know what I did wrong now.
  9. oh lol i think u did it wrong
  10. Did u get ur outfit up? I'm working on mine, I asked a lot of people because its too tiny. Mine's on page 6 but u can barely see it. Determined to get it full-size though 
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