Conversation Between bigbux3 and pinkster73

123 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was on a vacation. A REAL vacation to mexico. Super fun.
  2. Where have you been? I've been one for a long time!

    I like your profile picture.
  3. Woot! Nightclub owner! Almost an executive chef!
  4. Okay. Maybe it was the Privacy Policy. I'm not sure.
  5. And your age isn't considered personal information. Your address and stuff like that is, but not your age.
  6. No it doesn't say that
  7. Oh...

    Does it say not to give out personal information?
  8. Actually it doesn't say I can't tell my age.
  9. Oh no! The tos!
  10. It's privacy... and mentioned in the ToS
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 123
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