Conversation Between AnnasCoffee and howdy2you

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I am totally the carrots!!!!
  2. Okay, but I get to be the peas (because my favorite color is green)
  3. We go together like pees and carrots. Your my bud!
  4. howdy2you ... I love ya, and I support your stance that everyone should be able to decide for themselves wether or not to buy gems. And players shouldn't make each other feel bad about their choice.

    But ... I see one thing a little differently .... I think TL is a charity. They advertise their game as "FREE to download, FREE to play". My translation = TL is a charity. hehehe . I'm mostly joking. But I don't buy gems, and I don't feel bad about it. I have other apps that I have bought in-game currency from, but TL games have gem traps and TL is MEAN to their players. I'll never buy gems from them.
  5. Scrooge lmao lmao rags and all lol
  6. So my I'd is howdy2you and I play resto, bakery, home, city, farm, and my favorite, castle story. My goodness I'm in deep. I love these games and forums. I'm not a good tipper though.
  7. My bakery "mrs good kind" isn't even playable anymore. I tried removing everything in it but it didn't help. My teenager was being mouthy and breaking rules so I warned him " if you don't start being more respectful I'm going to be forced to take your iPhone" well now I have an iPhone and he has a job and a whole new respect for mom. Lol
  8. Oh my GOSH ... Your back . What games are you playing? I'm still playing bakery, even though it's a horrible game now.
  9. It's me pops1972, dear.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9