Conversation Between SpiritWind00 and RevdKathy

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi SpiritWind00,

    I've seen a lot of the outrage about the alicorns around here, but have to say I'm not surprised. A system that allowed people almost unlimited energy was going to change the nature of the game completely. I expected the alicorns to be reduced in output eventually.

    Having said that, I have yet to receive enough troll tokens even for the research centre, so I suppose I have been spared the sense of loss. I shall still aim for that and my Alicorn, and am grateful for the gold tokens from the beastbane display.

    Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that I think you and the team do a great job with this forum, so please don't be downhearted by the complaints and don't take them personally.

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