Conversation Between gigglebus2 and gigglebus3

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I am VERY sorry tha I called you a b i t c h on Fashion Story! you were just so mean to my friend! please forgive me!
  2. It's OK sis.
  3. Sorry, can't get it. I can't change my photo so I'm stuck with Princess Twilight Sparkle. sorry, but I do love My Little pony!
  4. Hey, we should get the SAME picture, like my Katy Perry ROAR pic on this!
  5. I love ya too, sis! isn't it weird that the most STUPID things turn out to be the most HAPPY things? I know! LINK
  6. This girl is my twin love ya sis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6