Conversation Between Dior0 and jellypie200

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi how are you doing today?
  2. Good
  3. Good you?
  4. Hi how are you doing today?
  5. Accepted request and I feel good thank you for asking how are you?
  6. If u play farm add my anthor account nands1
  7. Invited u to be my nbg
  8. My bakery name is the best bakery but its not now im redecorating my bakery
  9. Hi how are u
  10. Hi
    Would you like to add me on bakery story?
    My storm8 id is: jellypie200
    My bakery name is: cupcakes (because my favorite snack is cupcakes)
    What is your bakery name?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10