Conversation Between driftboutique and badger8

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Congrats on the city win Drift!!
  2. hi-
    First of all, I only said that rachael was getting heat because she stood up for me- something she didn't have to do, and I didn't want her to take the brunt of everything. That's it.
    Secondly, I am not- in any way- directing my comments at you. I am directing them at chvchv for his crappy comment. He leaves nothing but sarcastic comments all over this board, and I'm tired of it. I sincerely apologize if you thought it was meant for you. It wasn't. I play these games with my kids, and I thought it extremely inappropriate to bring up those subjects here. Like I said, maybe I took it too personally, but once in a while, the onus has to be partly on the as*****s and pot stirrers of this world.
    Once again, I'm sorry. I hope we can move past this.
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