Conversation Between lyzzandra and kleinekitty8

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the great info! Will try that!
  2. Hi Kitty, I take my iPad with me and connect it to my Iphone through Bluetooth. Iphone has 3G, it is not as fast as my WiFi at home (cable internet speed fastest you can get in Switzerland for private users - Down-/Upload 100'000/7'000 Kbit/s), it really depends how your 3G connection is where you are. I just use bluetooth when I do stuff for my stories and read forum posts. I find leaving msgs to nbrs is really slow, but tipping is fine.
  3. Hi lyzzandra,
    just curious because you mentioned it: so far Im only playing the games with wifi. R u using G3 on the train? Does it work well?
    Thank you, kitty
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3