Conversation Between pocopicasso and SpiritWind00

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, It's just a normal daily dropping alicorn. You'll get 4-12 with a chance of something higher, like 50 or 100, but that's really rare. (they're 22 hours too )

    In the Inventory guide, I've written 2 entries for alicorns - 1 under A for alicorns and then individual entries for each specific alicorn as some of them also drop other items. Hope that helps!
  2. I looked but could not find this answer (no doubt due to 'user error'! Lol) could you help?
    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the drops are for a Fairy Alicorn? Full energy refill or one of those 'it varies' ones.... I have a few of those already and I'm lucky to get 4/24 hours.
    Thanks spiritwind!
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