Conversation Between bigbux3 and greygull

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you very much greygull!
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. I just wish we'd get the results.

    Thanks greygull. Or as pinkster said: purplegull.
  4. Something like that, yes
  5. Like "The new moderators will be announced when we have decided." Or something along those lines?

    I've noticed that TeamLava is good at giving GREAT vague answers. They're answers, but they're answers you aren't looking for. I give TL their props. I could learn something from them
  6. Not really. I've asked, but Recieved vague answers.
  7. Do you have any insight to when the new moderators will be decided?
  8. I don't know, but it's my favorite color, so I'm fine with it
  9. I wonder why they chose purple.
  10. Female
    Mom, 2 kids lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 53
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