Conversation Between j0dst3r and ilovecooper14

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Eh what else is new. they are horrible this season lol
  2. Aw. The eagles lost.
  3. I like Tebow too! Yeah.. He actually started today & made a really good catch! Haha. Oh sorry I thought this was a national game for some reason!
  4. Lol, no we don't have NFL network so we can't watch it. he barely plays anyways so it doesn't matter
  5. Haha you watching the game now? He's so cute! And he's single when we go out in Philly I always wish I'd run into him lol
  6. He went to University of Florida.. My favorite university, I love him and Tim Tebow
  7. RAWR!! Omg yes, yes, yes, yes you're right!!!!!!
  8. Just curious.. Your username.. Is it for Riley Cooper? He is #14.. Maybe it's a coincidence lol. He's on the Eagles-- my home team && my fave!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8