Conversation Between eirol and xokay

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I really don't have any advice other than to email teamlava again and tell them that you have a new device and that you'd like to use your old username!
  2. Hi xokay, it has been almost a year since I have had any real problems and talked with you last. Now that I have upgraded my phone I can't play Farm Story or City Story. For some reason it is not recognizing my name: eirol
    It wanted me to make a new new name for my farm and new new name for here @ Team Lava. I did, I thought it would recognize my name ... well it did, and the game acted like I was a new player. I really don't want to start at the beginning of all my games. I wrote to support and let them know. Do you have any ideas in mean time of what may have happened?
    I thank you for anything you can tell me. I really miss all my neighbors and friends!!

  3. Hi there. I don't believe any Christmas games are planned for Android, however, i believe you guys should get the holiday items that iphone users get. They'll probably start releasing them Friday.
  4. Hello xokay,
    I still use my Android phone, and can't seem to find the Christmas update for Farm Story. Can you help me with this as I am running around like a nut looking for this update! lol thank you!
  5. Hi there! Just so I can understand... You say you're playing on an old version of the game? If you're not sure, try looking at your App store to see if there's an update available. I believe that the release of Badges has been postponed for Android. Hopefully it will be out soon, thoough!
  6. Hello! I am playing City Story on my Android Phone. I found a part in the game that talks about getting the old version of City Story and downloading that. I guess there is a feature that is not on this version. I tried to look for an "old" version but came up with nothing. It has to do with "badges". My version doesn't have badges in it. I would like to have this feature as it is supposed to give me gifts or something like it. Right now my phone is having trouble logging into the game. Of course it always works that way when I am trying to explain something! lol
    I hope you have an idea of what I am talking about! If you do could you reply back to me!!
    Thank you so much!
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