Conversation Between dragonv15 and [S8] Regina

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi,
    Yes they have helped me. It is a little bit scary that this kind of help (reverting back gold spend by error) will be a one-time exception, i hope it will not happen again. Thank you for your feedback anyway, i appreciated it.
  2. Hi Suela!

    Sorry I have been away! It looks like an agent assisted with you on this issue. Let me know if you need help with anything else!
  3. Hi Regina,

    I dont know if you can help but i will tell you my issue. By mistake (touched the phone without knowing ) i spend 100 gold for 2 M of coins, i am really dissapointed, i was collecting the gold to buy a 2nd nest and had only 133 in total. I have opened a ticket ( and im waiting, i saw that you offered your help to conract with the team fir a similar case. I will really appreciate your help and hope the action could be reverted...

    Thank you,
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