Conversation Between LanokaHarbor and xokay

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Aw man, I know. I saw that last week and forgot to repost it. Thanks for reminding me. I'll try and post it again soon.
  2. Your picture in the show off your city thread is not there. Would love to see it!
  3. Omg, thank you so much! My city name, Lanoka Harbor, should pretty much tell you how I feel about water. I live at the jersey shore, we have these gorgeous rivers that run through town.
    Let's do this! Ftw!

    Anyway, as for the poll, it's under the thread I opened under city story discussion, for the Quiet Villa discussion. Should be close or near the top because it just came out.
  4. I let GM know about the overwhelming river popularity! You definitely have my support Personally, I love them!
  5. Hey, we're pretty limited on what we can sticky, but I'll ask GM about it. And as for the poll, I can TRY, if you give me the link. I'm not sure if I'm able to edit poll results.
  6. Omg I voted wrong on my own there a way to fix it?
  7. Xokay, there are many of our neighbors that want the river tile back. Kooky suggested I ask you for your support. Perhaps a sticky? I started a thread that is like the one sissy started. Please help us. I'd appreciate it. Regards!
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