Conversation Between kattkrazie and fazerJan

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Kat, I think I have valuable info on spawn rates. The Crystal realm quest let's us tend the farmhouses for fur. I have 12 farmhouses out. I noticed that when I collected from them in the worst case I got a direboar or fangbeast on every 6th farmhouse. No exceptions on all my collections. I have 10 pet direboar now so I have had enough tries.....

    I know that drop rates are not the same on every quest but it is defenately something all players could benefit from.

    My tactics are: I only collect from my farmhouses when there are at least 6 left that I can collect from. If I have less, I wait until there are at least 6 again....

    The 12 farmhouses gave me for 100% at least 2 monsters........
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