Conversation Between D_Raho and msjanamac

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanx a bunch! Ur awesome! If u can use a daily nbr, feel free 2 send me an invite. Msjanamac
  2. Yes. All of the points will be doubled. Every action you complete while the Boost is active will give you double points. So you can either wait until a bunch of things are about to finish, or you can, as you suggested, speed things up and collect them all at once. Either way, finishing breeding, finishing evolutions, hatching and spinning the wheel. Boosts only count when you complete those acts. And you get every single point doubled. It's not about how long the Boost is active. It's counts all the time the dragon was supposed to be breeding/evolving/hatching. So even if you only boost at the last second, your 12 hour dragon will still get you a double bonus for all 12 hours. So 36 points will become 72.

    I hope I made it clearer and not more confusing.
  3. Tyvm 4 answering my question. That helps alot. So if i buy a boost & use gold 2 hatch an egg, will all the points 4 that egg b dbl? Instead of the last hour bein dbl? Or am i still confused lol
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