Conversation Between sanzidaurmi and SpiritWind00

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks alot, love u
  2. Lots of players use android and have no issues. I'm on iOS and always have been. Videos were a big advantage for iOS players but they're gone now. Some of the early Samsungs were problematic and kindles were useless. But a newer android phone should be fine. How exciting to get a new phone! I'll ask on the forum for you in the Help Me thread to confirm that particular phone just to give you peace of mind before changing. Make sure you know your password and when you get your new phone you can easily transfer the game yourself. Takes about 5 mins.
    If you play on android or IOS you can transfer your storm ID and games over to your new device. Please see the step by step instructions here in this post - Transfer your game / Logon on Feature.
  3. Hi SW, im thinking to change my ios device to android (ss s22ultra). But idk CS play well on it? I saw some event not available for android. Now they are same or still have different? If still some events only for iOS I’ll get an apple again ��
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