Conversation Between TheFluffySlipper and RageofMars

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, actually, I was thinking about slowing down, lol. I'm thinking about switching jobs, so I guess it's time to start studying. These games are way too addictive!
  2. Whoa you are quite the committed player! LOL
  3. Yeah, it's very time consuming playing all of them. Luckily (for me) TS, ES, NS, Farm, and RS have very low traffic now. I only need to check in once a day.

    So far my favorite is Fashion and BS, but I'm on a high trying to grind the levels and be ahead of the pack in ZS. Darn these games for being so mobile! I even spend my lunch break at work tending, tipping, and cleaning! lol
  4. Wow all of them? I have trouble keeping up with just three lol. I've played all of them but not at once!
  5. Thanks for being my friend on the forums! I'm very happy to join the community. Been playing some of the TL games for a long time. I just re-installed ES, CS, and TS, so I'm playing all of them now.
  6. Hello new friend
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