Conversation Between Loombands4ever and IsisGarden

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Please do not rush me. I am a VOLUNTEER. This is not my full-time job! I do work full-time!!!
    Please remember that!

    Have you emailed with the names of the people who are doing this, as well as screen shots of the comments. You need to provide proof of the inappropriate posts before I can do anything. If you have not done the first two steps, then I can't do anything.

    For all I know, you could be trying to just get some people banned.

    You need to provide proof that you have emailed TL and screen shots of the messages.

    Again, don't rush me. I do this in my spare time. I am a college professor, and we just started the new school year, so I don't have a lot of free time.
  2. Did u do something
  3. Luna blush and ypatka there are many report them
  4. Pretty Girl
    Report these all
  5. Beautyboutique
  6. Sea blush
  7. I'd:saif243
    Name Afreen khan
  8. Thank you
  9. I need the names of the stores or the IDs of these people to do anything. If you have any of this, please send it to me.
  10. Please reply
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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