Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and bawpotter

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. So I can't make one where I live?
  2. Cabin is a little further on, but when you have collected 100 wood go to the menu then click CREATE -> BUILD -> LOG CABIN.

    In PK it can be hard to get around.. you can't just go anywhere you want, you have to walk around, or use specific places you have saved on your map. Building a cabin is a way to save a spot on a map. My cabin is out in some territory that I like to hunt at.. you should pick a space that is away from cities and build your cabin there, in the middle of hunting grounds.
  3. Okay I am here. See that stuff I just dropped, go click on it and pick it up.
  4. I am on parallel Kingdom, and I used your referal code. Can you help me out? My username is bawpotter. (Big suprise!)
  5. Thanks! I will look at it later!
  6. It's called "Parallel Kingdom". pretty cool so far, free unless you want to buy "food" which are kinda like gems, but you can earn them if you need to. If you end up signing up, please use my referral code which is "qlcnyo", it would help me out. And then when you get in to the game I'll look you up and help you get started.
  7. What is this RPG app?
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 87 of 87
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