Conversation Between cubsrock1908 and pinkster73

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. Bruno mars?
  2. Hey do u like my profile picture
  3. That fine u don't have to change it and I haven't seen the movie
  4. Very famous movie. Someone will guess it for sure. Or do you want a different pic? Just tell me the movie you want.
  5. Ok......
  6. It's The Green Mile.
  7. No you're right. I downloaded it a year ago then uninstalled the same day. It's empty?
  8. I must of typed the wrong ID..
  9. I've never played fashion. Never even downloaded it.
  10. I added u on Fashion story and once I saw ur wall I know ur not playing!
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 70
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