Conversation Between lollipop_rp and jellypie200

551 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorry there's nothing going on there and I feel like I just wanna move away from groups
    Sometime I'll join again
  2. How come u left the all girls guide ?
  3. Good!
    Missed ya so much sent pm!
  4. Hey!
    How are ya
  5. Hey lollipop
    Long time no see?
    I miss you
  6. Hey lollipop!!!
    You're not on today you're missing out the fun
  7. YOU win the last one standing game
    View the group
    (The last one standing game) group
  8. Would you like to join in the
    Joking thread?
  9. Okay
  10. Okay I'll check it out
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 551
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