Conversation Between Mogwai4111 and bawpotter

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. Do you want to join my city, or do you have something else going, I mean if you can't no prob at all! But it would be awesome if you could.

    Also, how do you get to expand the city? What do you tell the people?
  2. Hey.. start building flags NOW
  3. Okay that is fine.. I am about to log off myself, but I think you're pretty well set for now anyway, you know what to do, just keep hunting, gaining gold, chopping trees, and next time around I will help you find a spot to put your cabin if you like, or you can find a spot yourself if you dare to? When I built my log cabin, another player helped me decide where to put it, it was next to his actually, and then I joined his city, he's been a pretty big help in getting me started.
  4. You expanded it!
  5. This game has been played for a long time, maybe over a year? So you will find out pretty quickly that almost all of the land is claimed.. at least the land around cities, even Rye, NY. You really have to go out in the middle of nowhere to find a place to get set up, usually. My goal right now is to build a castle and start a kingdom somewhere. It would be really cool if we could get a group of TLers to play with us and join our kingdom, even call it the TeamLava Kingdom. But a castle takes a LOT of material.. 500 stone, 1000 wood, etc.. so it's still just a dream for now while I collect material like crazy.
  6. Alright. If you could move into my city, that would be a huge help.

    Also, at 10pm I will most likely not be able to use my laptop anymore so I will need to talk in-game.
  7. I got him, he doesn't look to reasoning... but good luck. If you could possibly get to the north also, you would be a lifesaver.
  8. I am thinking I might come join you in your city. Right now I am in a city *near* my location, but being in Seattle.. all the land is cleared up for a long way, so I had to move down to the Washington/Oregon border to get set up. It would set me back to move to your city, I would have to destroy all my houses and oil wells and stuff, and then re-build them in your city.. so we will see. Let's see if I can expand your city first, cause right now it only has 1 oil well, and no crystal reserves.. and you need at LEAST one of those per resident.. and the more the better.
  9. Yes, keep collecting wood for now. Let's get you a cabin next.. your home base for all your hunting. I will try and contact your neighbor, his name is "pink.floyd" in the game
  10. I would like it to go pretty far, I hope I can reason... but thanks! Should I hunt now?
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