Conversation Between queentina3 and pinkster73

160 Visitor Messages

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  1. Did you intentionally leave some of your plots unplanted? I just went and watered you and noticed some unplanted and wasn't sure if it was a refresh or intentional on your part. I did water some plots, then some trees.
  2. Don't feel like sending another PM, but HEY! I figured you'd want to know WHY I wanted you to add that ID. If I just asked "Add this ID please?", you probably would've said NO. I figured telling you WHY I wanted it added would get me a positive answer.
  3. That's what I was thinking.
  4. Where's nmishii when you need her?
  5. Oh god, gifting issues again? Gack!
  6. That is really odd, about the gifting in Farm. The next time I get something that isn't a dog bowl from you, I'm going to ask you about it. I want to see if maybe your gifts are getting to me a day late. Normally I get either nothing, or a dog bowl from you, depending on if I'm already full when you've gifted, so I never caught this as being an issue. But since we know that sometimes you're getting requests that are days late, maybe your gifting is also a day late.

    It's just odd.
  7. I have 8 698 ???. You're going to win for sure.
  8. I feel like I'm never going to hit 10 mil.

    I now have 9,332,304. Are you any closer? I feel like for every 1,000 I get, I'm 1,000 further away instead of closer. LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 160
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