Conversation Between DragonTan1 and lmac10

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Nope lol still waiting for you to deem me worthy
  2. Lol so are we finally neighbours! XD
  3. Haha, so you are now showing up as pending in my invite tab? go figure. I bet this is the hardest work you've had to do to get a neighbour, I'll have to make sure I live up to the expectations. lol
  4. I'll add you later then lol
  5. Yes I think I added you lol are we neighbours?
  6. But I don't have a pending request for you anymore so not sure if you can add me now?
  7. Hi, Yeah I tried to add you, before I saw on your wall requesting people to ask you instead of adding lol. My Island name is dragonia
  8. I tried to add you but I couldn't, did you add me? What is our island name so I can accept.
  9. I see your name pop up quite a lot, thought I'd stop by and say hi
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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