Conversation Between funnyrandomness5112 and moostermine

304 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ouch! Well, you tried and maybe she will change her mind! You ok?
  2. I tried buttt, she started talking about my math...
  3. Good luck! Fingers crossed for you! ( I won't ask about the biting! Lol)
  4. Yeah, I wish. I will go ask... *bites Finger* (Sorry Thats an inside joke with a friend)
  5. Nah! Don't be scared! What's the worst that can happen? They say no? Well you are no further behind than you are now!
    They say " how dare you ask?" Just say that it means a lot to you and you would really be grateful! ( or blame it on me! Hehe!)
  6. I'm too scared to ask.
  7. Imma try!!!!
  8. I still say you should get your parents to breed it for you! They will get so sick of hearing you remind them to check it, they will just give your iPod back!
  9. Yes... XD
  10. Strongly worded email!?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 304
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