Conversation Between Phthon and greygull

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. ok...I'm 44 yrs old. I have only one kid and he is 5 1/'s that for old?
  2. My daughter will have her first day of preschool tomorrow. And my son is starting middle school! Want to feel old? Try making that statement! Middle school! I'm not old enough to have a child in middle school! lol I'm hoping my daughter does ok. She hasn't spent any large amount of time away from me (few hours here and there). But I've already talked to the teacher. If she has a hard time, they will call me to pick her up. I'm going to hang out at a cafe across the street for an hour after I drop her off, just in case. I think for kindergarten they would allow you to sit in the back of the room if it will help.
  3. I hear you. My son starts kindergarten next Thursday and I am having bad dreams about kindergarten. I think I might be a little anxious for the poor tyke.
  4. My schedule has been changing this week, because the kids are about to go to school. So now I'm functioning on less then 6 hours of sleep today! lol
  5. LOL! Unfortunately some mornings I feel several thousand years old! (depending on how much sleep I got)
  6. You're only as old as you feel. Or just asnold as younactually tell people lol! I've been 29 for a few years now, and I'm not changing it
  7. Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. I am now officially old. ha!
  8. Happy Birthday! 
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