Conversation Between HenryLucky1 and scottyhaha

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Mercury and Anubis is DA fail, unicorn is diamond/virtue
  2. Just wanna know..what's your combo for Mercury, Unicorn, Anubis?
  3. Hehe..actually I don't want any IOS players get android exclusive except expert android supporters, but yeah, you know, you are android supporter, also you want me to have IOS exclusive... Thanks for your kindness, you get my kindness too , I'll contact you when I change my mind, and think all about the risks

    Hope you read this
  4. Hey, did you read Hamadrys post about what will she do if Tiger eye is craftable?
  5. Why don't you post again in Fan spotlight?
  6. Thanks!!
    (I just open my wall)
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 16 of 16
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