Conversation Between sonal2002 and jellypie200

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh no problem no need for sorrys don't take that seriously!
  2. And flys do not fly around it.....
  3. Oh sorry
  4. Come on do not text all that......
  5. I know you have a pug too so isn't stinky
    And does flys come near it
  6. Oh oh.. That is bad...
  7. Want one I want a puppy but I can't because it's poop stinks so much
  8. Great then!! Do you have a PET? Or do you want one?
  9. I'll join pet lovers I don't play dragon story
  10. No problem! It would e nice if you join one of my group they are:- 'pet lovers' and 'the dragon club'
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 21
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