Conversation Between moostermine and funnyrandomness5112

304 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha Sounds Good!
  2. Yes! I will! Deal!
  3. Haha! I think I Still have the picture too! Haha Good luck! When you get done can you send me a PM so I Can see it first?
  4. Well that sounds pretty fair! Oh btw! I haven't forgotten about the Moo Dragon! Just trying to come up with an idea! Might try this morning!
  5. Yupp! Didn't want to and still don't but doing it in 8th grade and if I don't like it my parents aren't going to make me do it in High School
  6. Omgosh! That's funny! And your way of tricking him into an iPod! So did you play football?
  7. Welll,, I made a bet with my dad last summer that I could run a Mile every day for 6 weeks. And I did and my reward was my iPod.. It was his way of tricking me into shape for Football season!
  8. No! Do tell!
  9. Well, Have I ever told you the story about my Ipod?
  10. Lol! That's funny! My iPod is just a shuffle so it's no use for games, but I got an iPhone 3 to use for my extra games( got it for 50$! So actually cheaper than an iPod touch!)
Showing Visitor Messages 171 to 180 of 304