Conversation Between moostermine and funnyrandomness5112

304 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, I'm Making a Wiki. Wanna Be an Admin? I know I can trust you
  2. Heya! Someone said you were looking for a thread I started. Which one? About the arena dragon habitats?
  3. Hey! Get well and then we'll chat!
  4. Hey there Funny, sorry, haven't been feeling good. How are you?
  5. Hi Moo! Its Funny! And I have a friend over. His Name- MadAdison! So! Haven't spoken to you in a while So What up!
  6. I love math but not the class! It's online and I've had more problems them good things! Gahhhh
  7. I had a kinda sucky day too, if that helps! Why is your math weird? Thought you liked math!
  8. And I have to take a wierdo math course on the computer and I am just frustrated all over today! Gahh.
  9. Yup! I have nothing!
  10. Well, Very Frustrated with TL with the samurai going, Have had no luck going at it and still need the three steel. >.< Defenately not spending gold on this.
Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 304