View Full Version : OMG Inventory Nightmare

07-15-17, 06:53 AM
Storm8 I am loving all the things you have been recently doing with the game...monster hunts, new storyline, etc. Since this new storyline with the mermaids was added I noticed how expensive it is so I thought I would finally try to sell some of the items I have accumulated since starting the game that I never use and noticed most of the stuff I want to sell is unsellable and the few sellable items are worth 0. I'm selling them anyways just to clear out some of my vast inventory....I have about 150 pages of inventory and over 40 of decorations which I have just gotten down to 39. This is overwhelming. Can you please let us start selling things we don't and won't ever use on our land even if sadly its for 0$. Selling just the few things I can which I have a lot of is taking a long time....please look into doing something for your dedicated players I know I have read in the forums other people ask about this also...ty and again love all the recent stuff you guys have worked on

07-15-17, 07:35 AM
:rolleyes: hmmm I have now over 400 pages at all time, and a fully functionnal economy