View Full Version : Purchased 15 min unlimited energy game crashed and lost 4 mins energy

06-24-17, 06:42 AM
Plz help....I bought the 15 min unlimited energy and wit 4 mins left the game froze and crashed....is there anyway to get that time back or be given something extra since the reason I bought it was for 15 min unlimited energy and I didn't get the full 15 mins......I know a lot of people complain at e game constantly crashes...it constantly crashes on me all the time. I used to spend a decent amount of money on deals but the game got knda boring a few months ago and I played less. Now that they finally had a monster hunt and added story and new cool quests I'm going to play a lot more and want to buy deals that will help me but now I feel I can never buy anything with a time limit cause if game crashes during that time we don't get to start off with whatever remaining time we had left. Is there a way e developers can fix that so it remembers what time was left or if here game crashes and we report can we get something like an extra resource to compensate for the loss time that real money was spent on.....thanks if anyone can help.

06-26-17, 02:28 AM
The forum can't help with this, but if you would like to submit a ticket to support and request some assistance, then please do. Make sure you have tried all of the suggestions in the main thread on crashing. the older your device the harder the game is to stay open. clearing your cache (through settings) and reinstalling will help a lot.

06-26-17, 05:40 PM
I just got my time I contacted storm8 and they helped ty so if anyone i s having issue def contact them