View Full Version : What Prizes would you like to see for future events?

06-14-17, 09:05 PM
What Prizes would you like to see for future events?

Hey Everyone,

The Restaurant Story 2 team is wondering what kind of prizes that you want to see in-game for future events.

Do you want to see more Decorations, Styles (wall, tiles, tables, chairs, etc), Stamps, Spices, Recipes, etc? Please post what type of prizes that you like and any new suggestions that you have. They are not limited to the above categories and we welcome all your suggestions. Are there specific past prizes that you like to see brought back? Please post as well.

Please do include in your own post if you see other members' suggestions that you like. If you have a wishlist, here's your chance to post it! :)

The Restaurant Story 2 team can't guarantee that all of your requests will be fulfilled, but this will definitely help them to gauge what the community is looking for. Thank you and they appreciate your feedback and suggestions! :D:D

06-14-17, 09:53 PM
Old prize: Chocolate Pyramind Cake from the cruise.

New prizes: Just more recipes.

I feel like we see so much decor for a game that is meant for mostly cooking dishes and progressing higher and higher.

Higher counter limit. If not that then have where you can move food that's already on counter into a new appliance that could be a refrigerator to keep food from selling or throwing away.

Possible soda machine?
Instead of serving water, the customers can want soda instead and you can also master it after 500 times or so.

06-15-17, 02:41 AM
Would love more wall, floor, chairs, counter and table styles. Love the above idea for a soda fountain. Open a new area of the restaurant and gem sales (as I only purchase gems when offered a sale). :)

06-15-17, 10:33 PM
I also like the idea of a soda fountain.

I like new recipes as prizes. Maybe some new mastery sets with a recipe as a prize. Those are nice as long term goals to work towards. It gives you a reason to master certain recipes, like a dessert group of apple pie, cheesecake and vanilla milkshakes give you a new dessert recipe. Or chicken and broccoli, cobb salad and chicken noodle soup mastery gives you a new chicken recipe.

06-16-17, 12:23 AM
Valentine Oven, old Easter event, first gem cruise (think the Hawaiian one), and the Egyptian Cruise.

More cooking prizes such as new recipes and cooking stations.

I'd love more themed items as well. We're pretty lacking in elegant themed items. I'd love to see paintings, elegant walls, new windows, new statues, and food decorations. I really like the food table decorations we got. Love if we got more of them.

06-16-17, 05:09 PM
I would love to see the valentine oven brought back as I've just missed that one.

As for prizes and events I've enjoyed events like the campfire event although that one was a little too tough to finish but I enjoyed the idea and recipes we got to keep as a result.

Personally I'm not all that huge on decorations but have 1 wish in that department and that is for there to be choices to have different decor of the front door. We can customize so much except our door!

I like more gold stamps as prizes and also recipes. As for the gem recipes of cruises I wish more different ingredients were used. The recipes are very demanding on things like sugar and cream. I realize that it needs to be ingredients most people will have unlocked but just introduce a few more. Since my first cruise I've finished every cruise and have a ton of gem recipes. I simply cannot keep up with the sugar demands and the items in the seasonal pantry are stacking up faster then I can cook recipes and yes I have and use both celebration stoves and jubilee ovens.

06-17-17, 12:08 AM
I like most of the ideas that I have seen so far, maybe extend the limit on special stoves, and open a couple of new stores

06-17-17, 11:17 AM
#1 more counter space
#2 new stores/locations opened

As for prizes:
I prefer decor to recipes. *New* decor. I have doubles of lots of stuff at this point. Or at least decor from more than 2 yrs ago. I've gotten many doubles, but the Egyptian cruise hasn't run since I started playing in 2015...

We used to be able to win new appliances. That being said, the appliances are only cool when there are things you can cook on them. I have several stored that only have one or two recipes and aren't worth taking up the space on my floor with. Especially without more counter space.

06-17-17, 01:46 PM
Styles as cruise prizes occasionally. More chances for precious gold stamps as the prize for quest lines. The additional recipes to cook during cruise or that quest line that lets you get a recipe for progress on the cruise. Longer term non-stamp quest lines like there used to be.

I'll also second the ideas of: Opening new areas of the game. More mastery sets. New appliances / theme appliance quests.

06-20-17, 12:47 PM
It would be nice to see the themed quests we used to get in between some cruises. I cannot remember the specific names of the quests but we received specific appliances for them like the cowboy campfire quest, the Mother's Day quest, the Japanese cart, the taco cart, the barbecue stove.

It would be nice if those quests could come back with recipes that would stay after the quest so we will have new recipes on new appliances to work on rather than some of the appliances becoming a decoration afterwards. Like the cruises we could earn new recipes as prizes as we make our way through the quest but on the different appliances.

Example of this is Japanese cart, the camp fire stove and the taco cart. We have so many gem recipes and that's great but we only have two stoves to use for that and as we master the other recipes it's nice to have other appliances to cook new recipes on.

I remember each quest offering specific decor as well. It would be nice to see some of the decor come back around but not as a gem buy only.

I agree with others in maybe running the very early cruises/events again with the prizes that were offered. I've been playing for awhile but missed out on the Egyptian cruise and the Valentine's Day stove.

I've been hopeful for the different areas of the game such as the hotdog cart and the fishing boat to become apart of the game.

Can you please please bring back the Halloween and Christmas theme downloads? These downloads ran with specific quests and cruises with the matching decor and prizes. It would be great to have a chance at the prizes and decor as sometimes it is hard to finish the quests so someone likely missed out on some prizes. Loved those!

06-21-17, 04:44 AM
How often are the events with the guy who drops the marshmallows? I had just started playing on his last one, and I only got three recipes done. Maybe more recipes for him? Or a different character with new recipes?

06-22-17, 06:43 PM
It would be nice to see the themed quests we used to get in between some cruises. I cannot remember the specific names of the quests but we received specific appliances for them like the cowboy campfire quest, the Mother's Day quest, the Japanese cart, the taco cart, the barbecue stove.

It would be nice if those quests could come back with recipes that would stay after the quest so we will have new recipes on new appliances to work on rather than some of the appliances becoming a decoration afterwards.

I agree with others in maybe running the very early cruises/events again. I've been playing for awhile but missed out on the Egyptian cruise and the Valentine's Day stove.

I've been hopeful for the different areas of the game such as the hotdog cart and the fishing boat to become apart of the game.

Can you please please bring back the Halloween and Christmas theme downloads? Loved those!

yea i loved the halloween theme, that's when i started the game and it inspired my whole restaurant! I also missed out on the very early cruises, egyptian and i think there was a hula girl one?

would love the opportunity to buy another Jubilee oven if they're going to keep putting the new cruise gem recipes on the SAME oven!! even though the celebration oven has such few recipes....

06-22-17, 06:45 PM
and decor plz!! and more chair, table, flooring options!

06-22-17, 09:31 PM
Gentle Reminder

Just want to remind everyone to stay on topic of prizes. If you like past events to be brought back, please specify which prizes that you want.

For suggestions on other game features, please use the Suggestions and Feedback forum. Thank you.

06-26-17, 12:00 PM
I would love new styles for walls, tile counters, chairs and tables!!! My favorite styles are stars and seas, underwater themes!!!! Oh yeah and definitely Halloween themes!!!! And light up items for the wall!!! I would also love the Valentine oven and hot dog oven and Kings Cole cake glittery food!!!! Thank you so much for asking!!!!!!!! :) I love this game!!!!!!

07-11-17, 11:29 PM
It would be nice to see the themed quests we used to get in between some cruises. I cannot remember the specific names of the quests but we received specific appliances for them like the cowboy campfire quest, the Mother's Day quest, the Japanese cart, the taco cart, the barbecue stove.

It would be nice if those quests could come back with recipes that would stay after the quest so we will have new recipes on new appliances to work on rather than some of the appliances becoming a decoration afterwards. Like the cruises we could earn new recipes as prizes as we make our way through the quest but on the different appliances.

Example of this is Japanese cart, the camp fire stove and the taco cart. We have so many gem recipes and that's great but we only have two stoves to use for that and as we master the other recipes it's nice to have other appliances to cook new recipes on.

I remember each quest offering specific decor as well. It would be nice to see some of the decor come back around but not as a gem buy only.

I agree with others in maybe running the very early cruises/events again with the prizes that were offered. I've been playing for awhile but missed out on the Egyptian cruise and the Valentine's Day stove.

I've been hopeful for the different areas of the game such as the hotdog cart and the fishing boat to become apart of the game.

Can you please please bring back the Halloween and Christmas theme downloads? These downloads ran with specific quests and cruises with the matching decor and prizes. It would be great to have a chance at the prizes and decor as sometimes it is hard to finish the quests so someone likely missed out on some prizes. Loved those!

Thumbs up to the Egyptian cruise and the Valentine's Day stove!!! :cool:

07-12-17, 11:28 AM
I'd like to see some Incan, Japanese, Hawaiian, Greek and Egyptian themed prizes. It would also be neat to have some wall, flooring, table and counter styles as prizes from time to time. Maybe every now and then include a themed stove as a prize.

07-13-17, 04:48 AM
I wish it was possibly to use a square on the board more than one prize--really this is just an issue with the walls. Every bit of my wall is covered, but some decor leaves plenty of space for another. :( that's never going to happen though haha!

I love animal prizes. I wish some of the cool wallpapers would come up as a prize instead of just a gem purchase. I have two prizes that were stoves 'snow winter stove and pirate stove) that each came with a special cook. When I have those stoves in my kitchen their cooks will replace mine. That is fun. Extra counters.... :)

07-13-17, 08:25 PM
I second the requests asking for the return of a whole appliance as a prize, with an accompanying chef. I haven't been able to get one of those in my restaurant yet, so I'd love to be able to get that :)

I'd also like to see additional recipes as prizes. I'm not always able to complete the cruises in 10 days (oh, to be able to buy an extra day), so a secondary recipe would be a very nice consolation prize. I remember in older cruises we would get related recipes on basic appliances that would expire with/shortly after the cruise, so I don't think this idea would be too out of the blue. An example would be as a Day 5 prize, as a reward for getting halfway through the cruise, you get a recipe that unlocks on an existing appliance that requires existing ingredients, which yields a higher-than-average coin profit.

On that note, it would be great to get a stamp recipe as a prize (I've got some recipe cards piling up!), but these would probably have to be exempt as recipes for future cruises if not everyone was able to earn them.

Other prize ideas I'd like to see: Quick-Serves (hopefully quite a few depending on which day they're offered as a prize), recipes for the Celebration Stove (don't hurt me; I don't have very many!), certain styles if they're introduced with the goal (in a very similar vein to the existing model - the style is intro'd for gems, but you can earn it for free through the cruise), and coins. I miss being able to earn coins :(

Thanks in advance to the dev team if any of these suggestions makes it in :) Can't wait to see what we'll get in the future.

07-13-17, 11:49 PM
I have mastered everything! So tons of new recipes to amazing! cruise ships are getting kind of boring! Same thing and too many repeats with nothing new to decorate with! No more cruise ships for now...just the fun challenges kind of like the weekly challenges! Those were so fun! I couldn't wait to run to my game and open it up knowing the was going to be something new and then seeing that "new" flash made me so happy! I would love to have that same feeling again! It's nice winning gems, but winning new recipes would be wonderful! Even new decorations, new table and chair design, new floors and new wallpaper would be wonderful too! I have been playing since the beginning and I still love it...just want to to be more exciting! Happy cooking everyone!

07-14-17, 10:51 PM
Other prize ideas I'd like to see: Quick-Serves (hopefully quite a few depending on which day they're offered as a prize)

Are you aware or able to get quickserves from neighbours by logging into your FB account via game? :) It's easy and you get many of them. I sent them to my neighbours this way too. Not quite sure I understand why you prefer this easy attainable gift over the better value (e.g. gem decorations) or less attainable prizes (e.g. gold stamps) which we now have.

07-15-17, 01:55 PM
Are you aware or able to get quickserves from neighbours by logging into your FB account via game? :) It's easy and you get many of them. I sent them to my neighbours this way too. Not quite sure I understand why you prefer this easy attainable gift over the better value (e.g. gem decorations) or less attainable prizes (e.g. gold stamps) which we now have.

I am one of the few players who is not on FB and that is intentional. Hence, I am disadvantaged by the goals like Cheese Fondue and Quick Serves because I refuse to have a FB account.

07-16-17, 07:00 AM
The Quick Serves are helpful. I understand they are less attainable because of choice and I respect that. However they are equivalent to the bread or cheese mystery gifts which we receive from neighbours. I'm not sure "bread or cheese" prizes is worth the time and effort spent into completing them.

07-21-17, 07:32 AM
I'm unable to hook my Facebook up so I never get quick serves /weeping/
I wish they could be bought for coins!!!!!!!

07-26-17, 06:37 AM
At this point just give us something new. I'm starting to go into a food coma lol���� :P

08-03-17, 06:12 AM
what about events with gem-deco(s) as prize(s)?

08-03-17, 10:33 PM
My wishlist:

More stamp recipes as prizes, see we got one this time. I'm not interested in decor, just want recipes. Bring back my unfinished recipes, root beer, root beer float, potato salad, flatbread with chutney, I'd pay gems to finish those.

08-10-17, 06:20 AM
Personally I don't mind seeing cruises as I'm still new to the game. I enjoy getting the recipes that gives gem and the side quest that gives stamps.

08-10-17, 03:18 PM
I love recipes and styles for best. I DO love decos, but unfortunately I don't have much space for them anymore as level 60 player.

09-03-17, 09:41 AM
Forget styles, forget decorations, give us real rewards - more recipes and jewels.

09-22-17, 12:18 PM
All I wish for are old recipes and new stoves...

I hope one day, they will re-release the valentine stove. The recipes on it are so cute. 😭

09-25-17, 01:18 AM
I am happy with the gem-earning recipes, wish they were easier to cook though. Requires too many special ingredients hence takes too long.

Don't really care about winning decor, would be nice to win appliances - they are useful.

09-25-17, 09:46 PM
More recipes for the campfire stove, I only have 3 since it was my first event. And I agree, new appliances.

09-27-17, 10:58 AM
Please bring back the Japanese Cart! I'm so sad I missed it- my reastaurant is Japanese themed but I missed out on playing for the cart

More opportunities to win gold and silver stamps and more gem recipes that use appliances that are not the jubilee stove

10-24-17, 06:58 PM
I hope that the Snowy oven and the christmas chef come back this year. I was never able to participate in this cruise since I was not playing the game when it went on.

Most of us have not completed the valentine dishes. Please add them back in game. We have waited long enough.
All I wish for are old recipes and new stoves...

I hope one day, they will re-release the valentine stove. The recipes on it are so cute. 

I also hope these suggestions are added as event prizes. Adds some variety to the game.

10-26-17, 04:40 AM
Idea: Cruise "Blast from the Past."
Each day gives you a ticket to redeem for a specific list of past prizes. Day 1 could be everything from the very first cruise. Day 2 same thing but the second cruise. Day 3 could be an old appliance. Day 4 could be a theme appliance (Easter, rose bench, campfire etc). Day 5 could be a ticket that gives you the ability too have a customer come in that you missed getting the first time. So on and so on giving a ticket for ONE thing from each cruise or event from the past and let people pick what they missed out on. Day 10 should be another customer you missed chance. Instead of taking the time to get everyone's opinions on what they want from specific old prizes, just give they option to let them choose. I would spend money on this cruise if I had the chance to get 2 customers that I missed out on.

Maybe hold an event that lets you cook ALL the seasonal dishes and have seasonal customers? Again, I'd spend money on this as it would allow me to complete mastery of seasonal dishes and get the customers I am missing. So, to be specific, can you just give us choice?

10-26-17, 11:42 PM
It's a bit too late now, but I would have liked to see the mysterious lady from last halloweens cruiseevent make a return. Maybe next year

10-30-17, 11:48 PM
How about a tool cruise. Seriously. All the prizes are hammers. �� Who is with me! In all seriousness though, please make a tool cruise and have all the tools as prizes, especially hammers. Thanks.

11-01-17, 04:10 AM
Love the idea of a “Tool Cruise”. Also, could we please be able to expand even just one more space over - so much great stuff but it is all in storage getting moldy and full of cobwebs.

11-01-17, 01:55 PM
Not new prizes, but:

1. Expansion ability.
2. Enable the hot dog stand, and other areas indicating "something coming here soon."
3. New door styles and the ability to swap out with existing one like as is in Restaurant Story and Bakery Story.

11-02-17, 10:19 AM
Despite the execution issues in the Frankie/Francine cruise, I liked the idea of being able to exchange an item for a choice of two recipes. I hope that idea can be expanded to allow newer players to unlock older recipes.


Old Gem Recipe (OGR) and New Gem Recipe (NGR) are statistically identical and use the same Special Ingredient, which is dropped by New Character.

New Character is unlocked at the end of the cruise, but the cruise also rewards Token (automatically upon cruise completion, so as to avoid the execution issues encountered in the Frankie/Francine cruise). Token allows players to unlock a recipe using New Character's Special Ingredient.

Newer players can choose to unlock either the OGR or the NGR, while older players who already have OGR can use Token to unlock NGR.

And because New Character drops the same Special Ingredient, older players get it twice as often for both recipes that use it, while newer players get it at the normal rate for the recipe they chose to unlock.

Win-win :)

11-03-17, 12:27 AM
Limited return of Valentine oven, and new ovens/stoves like we get in RS 1 and Bakery Story.

11-13-17, 07:36 PM
How about a tool cruise. Seriously. All the prizes are hammers.  Who is with me! In all seriousness though, please make a tool cruise and have all the tools as prizes, especially hammers. Thanks.

or maybe a tool quest like Lani's Goals?

11-14-17, 08:43 AM

Hope there are more easier events/quest for new recipes.
10 days of cruise event is actually tiring and bit tedious for me, since I'm not interested in decors and stuff.

11-16-17, 01:21 AM

11-16-17, 08:07 PM
New recipes and/or new ovens. I love decor stuff but so far the one that I really love is the autumn ones, since it goes so well with rustic style. I love the football dogs too but it would be great if the decor stuff doesn't take more than 1x1 space unless it's on the wall, in that case I love the bigger decor stuff.

12-11-17, 03:38 PM
Can we get a way to get the Snowy oven and the chrief if we didn't get it in 2016 or 2015?

12-11-17, 05:25 PM
The prizes I want to see are new appliances, recipes (for the under used appliances like the green top oven) and styles (specially walls and floors).

My syggestion is that we get another chance to use the Flower Stand, mine just sits in storage because I hadno idea what I was doing the first time it came out so I did not finish that event :(

01-28-18, 02:39 PM
I think that we should get a Winter Cookout Food Expo.

Instead of having the prize take 16 hours and dropping coins or gems, can the grand prize be like a normal cruise? A special character comes in and drops an ingredient, and then that recipe rewards gems. Also please don't make the recipes use turbinado sugar.

04-17-18, 04:42 PM
Thanks for asking.
Had a wish list for ages
More variety in events.
Cruise followed by lanis goals over and over is a little boring
I am sure you had more variety before ???
Some types of events have gone
Easier and short time length recipes as cruise rewards

I used to play the original restaurant story with a game i lost. Loved the decor. That game had much more variety. Some of the event prizes were quite stunning. Loved what that design crew came up with
No doubt its harder to create in 3d. But the colours, styles and things were great
There was some boat or ship. All sorts of themes with some prize decor at end
Loved them

Of course i like the pets on this game.
But the most bea
Would like to see more variety of decor. That we can get by doing events as well as other ways

I did not like having to cook a recipe repeatedly so many times in a timed manner in the original restaurant and the cost of expansions which got ridiculous.

I did those originally but its too time intensive. Cant commit to that

I prefer this game in that regard. But the decor of the original game was outstanding. Would be nice to see some of it in this game

More expansions
Going to a higher level than we currently can

Taking a relook at original restaurant decor and prizes would be worthwhile

I am not fussed about new recipes myself unless they led to a decor prize and there was enough time to do them

And the decor prizes need to be more impressive or stunning

12-13-18, 11:53 PM
more decorations please~

03-02-19, 12:14 AM
Daily Level 60 player here!👩🏼*🍳 🥖🥩🦞🍷🍾
From Honolulu, HI!🌴☀️🌊👙🐟🍍🌺

Prize suggestions:
1st Choice - New ANIMATED ANIMAL DECORATION prizes please!!🐶🦊🐼🐹🐨🐷🐙🐛🦋🦄
2nd Choice - New ANIMATED/FLASHY/LIGHTED DECORATION prizes!!✨🔥💫🌈🔥⚡️

I missed out on several of the past animated decorations.☹️
Please bring back the ALICE IN WONDERLAND and NEW ORLEANS/MARDI GRAS? themes!!🙏🏼

I would also like to see old and/or new decorations every time a new cruise kicks off!
I noticed sometimes there aren?t any decorations to purchase on the first tab...
Also purchased with earned 💰coins as opposed to 💎gems please!

Thank you!!😊

09-04-19, 12:13 PM
Wallpaper and tiles

10-25-19, 10:23 PM
Please give us a black Friday sale this year including all past Christmas items at 75%, I want to decorate my place fully.

I need more items to do so.

EDIT: Since it's highly unlikely that we will get new stuff, I'm asking that the following old items make a comeback for BF 2019 at 75% sale.

- fall fireplace
- needlepoint style
- yeti mom
- hot chocolate vendor
- yeti dad
- holiday table style
- Hanukkah wreath
- Hanukkah fireplace
- holiday train wall, workshop & accent styles
- santa's list
- frozen fountain
- baby reindeer
- snowy holiday tree
- holiday town display

11-25-20, 05:19 AM
I want the snowy, valentine and ghost stove back

More wall details

11-30-20, 10:59 AM
More recipes to master. Open the stupid hot dog cart that has been "coming soon" for years and give us something to do.

01-04-21, 11:54 AM
More recipes to master. Open the stupid hot dog cart that has been "coming soon" for years and give us something to do.

Agreed. I don't use the decor, there is neither enough room in my restaurant nor enough memory on my device to accommodate all that frivolity. I just want to master recipes. I do wish I could expand more/faster, I do like hanging my mastery paintings on the wall, but I ran out of walls a while ago...

I haven't been able to play for a couple of years as my device wouldn't even run the game and I'm surprised the food truck, seafood boat, and carnival? are all still "coming soon."

Other gifts I would like to see are items related to needs--like a truck filled with sugar for these cruise recipes... lol. Also helping with the "chance" items, like toolbox and garden items. I end up dumping a ton of "tools" because I never get what I need, and I feel like i'll never be able to upgrade everything.

03-05-21, 12:55 AM
I would like too see the Pirate Chef and Snowy chef back as cruise prizes please

05-01-21, 07:49 AM
More decorations as prizes instead of ingredients, have fun cruises as they used to be.

Give us sales for different seasons & holidays. :p

05-03-21, 04:08 AM
I miss the tasks that involved completing a series of orders, then winning a new stove, then the ability to gain a permanent new recipe for your appliance. Like the snowy oven and a pirate oven and the taco truck… When I first started playing I wasn’t advanced enough to win the new recipes so I have a few appliances that I can’t cook anything on at all!

08-05-21, 05:44 PM
I think we should get a chance too get the pirate oven and the snowy oven